Think, feel, understand.

We go where the others don’t.

We dive deeper!

Founded in 2008 by Cory Zimmerman, Radio Vérté is a Producer of Literary Podcasts Specializing in Compelling True Accounts of Crime.

Nothing Can Change the Original Intent of the Artist.

At Radio Vérté, “Intent” is everything. Our True Crime Narratives stand out simply because they are conceived and executed as works of art from the beginning. We aspire to produce the highest quality audio with literary prose, prioritizing naturality and authenticity and portraying our subjects authentically.

Observing and capturing life as is, and finding truth as the story unfolds...

Written and hosted by Cory Zimmerman, our flagship series, THE SPOON RIVER GOTHIC PODCAST, is a growing collection of true crime narratives revealing tales of romance, greed, obsession, murder, and terror.

We seek only stories of those who cry out for justice, those untold, buried, and forsaken. Stories sincerely deserving to be told by voices that, for too long, have gone unheard. Along our quest, sensationalism is not an end nor a means, but instead, we embrace an unrelinquishing mission to humanization, crimes which, all too often, remain untangibly abstract. We seek those critical elements that may allow us as individuals to relate and, thus, as a whole, better comprehend the tragedy and appreciate that which is darkness, that light may shine.



Limited Liability Company

332 S Michigan Ave

Chicago, Illinois 60604, USA

312 569 0588

1042 Broadway

Brooklyn, New York 11221, USA

917 300 8518